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House Appropriations Proposal Throws Cold Water on Broun Motion to Slash Highway Funds

Immediate Release

Contact: Daisy Singh, 202-857-1200, daisysingh@highways.org

WASHINGTON, DC – The Transportation Appropriations bill developed by the House Appropriations Committee proposes $39.143 billion for highway funding for fiscal year 2013, contingent upon reauthorization of the highway bill.  This amount is equal to highway funding levels approved by the Senate Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee, which approved their bill overwhelmingly (28-1).  The funding level proposed by both chambers is equal to the amount approved for fiscal year 2012.

American Highway Users Alliance President & CEO Greg Cohen commented:  “The Highway Users is pleased that the Republican appropriators’ proposal implicitly rejects a motion by Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) to instruct highway authorization bill conferees to slash total transportation funding by more than 25%.  We urge all Members of Congress who plan to vote for the House transportation appropriations bill to reject the contradictory Broun motion if it comes up for a vote.”

Cohen continued, “Our research has shown that there is widespread public agreement among Republicans, Democrats, and Independents that the federal government has a leading role to play in funding major highways and bridges and safety projects.  All demographic groups widely acknowledge that without federal highway programs, the United States will be a weaker competitor in the global economy, our quality of life will diminish, bridges and roads will become less safe, and congestion will increase.

“If Congress is serious about getting America moving again, it will complete highway bill conference committee negotiations quickly and send a final bill to the President before the current extension expires on June 30th.  That bill could actually boost highway funding next year to as much as $42.227 billion, the level endorsed by the Highway Users Alliance, while also streamlining regulations, eliminating earmarks, and reforming outdated programs.”


The American Highway Users Alliance represents motorists, RV enthusiasts, truckers, bus companies, motorcyclists, and a broad cross-section of businesses that depend on safe and efficient highways to transport their families, customers, employees, and products. Highway Users members pay the taxes that finance the federal highway program and advocate public policies that dedicate those taxes to improved highway safety and mobility.

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