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News Release: Highway Users Weighs In on Shuster Infrastructure Proposal

For Immediate Release

Contact:  Daisy Singh, daisysingh@highways.org, 202-857-1200

(WASHINGTON, DC) – The American Highway Users Alliance commends House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster for today’s release of draft legislation to fix the Highway Trust Fund, extend the FAST Act, invest in our roads and bridges, and streamline project reviews.

Fixing the Highway Trust Fund is absolutely critical to future U.S. investments in our country’s most important roads and bridges,” said Greg Cohen, President and CEO of the American Highway Users Alliance.  “The Shuster proposal opens up an important conversation with the White House, Members of Congress, and the public about raising user fees on gasoline and diesel, a subject that has been the elephant in the room whenever highway infrastructure investment is proposed.  Over the past 25 years, the fuel tax has lost about half of its real value due to inflation.  This must be addressed if we want to keep our roads safe and efficient.”

Cohen continued by noting that “taxpayers who are being asked to pay more also deserve to know that their money is not being wasted in the purgatory of never-ending government reviews.  Chairman Shuster’s proposal takes important steps to make our taxes go farther:  accelerating project delivery by reducing the length of federal project reviews, reforming water permitting, and creating innovative approaches for environmental reviews.  It is critical that highway users who pay more in user fees can trust that they will also get an excellent return on their investments.”

To review Chairman Shuster’s proposal, please visit:  https://transportation.house.gov/building21/


The American Highway Users Alliance represents motorists, RV enthusiasts, truckers, bus companies, motorcyclists, and a broad cross-section of businesses that depend on safe and efficient highways to transport their families, customers, employees, and products. Highway Users members pay the taxes that finance the federal highway program and advocate public policies that dedicate those taxes to improved highway safety and mobility.

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