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American Highway Users Alliance Statement on Passage of the INVEST in America Act

For Immediate Release

Contact: Daisy Singh, info@highways.org

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – The American Highway Users Alliance is pleased the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3684 today, the “INVEST in America Act” and commends Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) for his tireless leadership.

“The Highway Users is generally supportive of the bill and is glad to see another step forward to producing a transportation reauthorization through regular order. As the process unfolds we will continue to work with the House, Senate, and White House to ensure that tackling the massive backlog of highway and bridge investments needs remains a priority” stated Laura Perrotta, President and CEO of the American Highway Users Alliance.”

The Highway Users is supportive of the robust funding levels and programmatic stability provided by the bill and very appreciative of the significant funding increase for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) included in the bill. Increasing HSIP investment will help move our nation toward zero deaths on our roadways.

Below are a few of the items we would like to have a continued dialogue on with Congress as the highway bill progresses:

  • Ramping up investment to tackle the massive highway and bridge investment needs in our country,
  • Flexibility for State and local agencies to add new highway capacity where needed,
  • Concerns with new eligibilities for highway funds, as the needs on our highways are so great to strain these limited funds is problematic,
  • Environmental stewardship that includes streamlining and creating a better permitting approval process for roadway projects.

Time is of the essence; there are only 26 legislative days when the House and Senate are both in session before September 30th when the current surface transportation bill expires. The American Highway Users Alliance looks forward to working with all parties to enact a long-term bill. Failure to act promptly could halt important road and bridge projects and will further disrupt America’s economic recovery.


The American Highway Users Alliance represents motorists, RV enthusiasts, truckers, bus companies, motorcyclists, and a broad cross-section of businesses that depend on safe and efficient highways to transport their families, customers, employees, and products. Highway Users members pay the taxes that finance the federal highway program and advocate public policies that dedicate those taxes to improved highway safety and mobility.

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