April 3rd, 2018
The Highway Users has released a brochure on the vital importance of proper winter road maintenance. New data confirms the tremendous safety and economic benefits of winter salting and plowing operations. Continue reading
Unclogging America’s Arteries: Prescriptions for Healthier HighwaysNovember 23rd, 2015
A study released by the American Highway Users Alliance, entitled Unclogging America’s Arteries 2015, identifies America’s 50 worst bottlenecks and finds that the very worst bottleneck, as measured by hours of delay, is in Chicago, IL. Los Angeles, CA owns the next six of the top 10.
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February 24th, 2014
In partnership with IHS Global Insight, the American Highway Users Alliance has re-released a study estimating the economic impact of snowstorms in sixteen U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. The study found that hundreds of millions of dollars in economic opportunity are lost each day that a state is shuttered by impassable roads. Continue reading
The Road to Congress: How Highway Issues Can Strengthen Your CampaignJuly 8th, 2008
The Road to Congress candidate binder was created to help educate those running for office on how highway issues can strengthen their campaigns. Covering road safety, quality of life and sensible use of tax dollars, this informational resource provides the reader with valuable statistics and voter-tested messages. Continue reading
National Survey of Likely VotersJune 18th, 2008
The Highway Users issued a comprehensive survey detailing likely voters’ views on various highway and transportation issues. Review our survey findings. Continue reading
Emergency Evacuation Report CardOctober 22nd, 2006
The potential for terrorist attacks and 2005 Hurricane Katrina’s flood destruction underscore the necessity for providing sufficient evacuation capacity from the nation’s urban areas. Yet, the Department of Homeland Security says, “Significant weaknesses in evacuation planning are an area of profound concern.” The Emergency Evacuation Report Card is an initial attempt to assess the evacuation capacity of the 37 largest urban areas – those with more than 1,000,000 population. Evacuation planning is new to US urban areas and, as a result, evacuation capacity can be expected to fall short of optimal levels. Read the full report. Continue reading
Are We There Yet? Summer Traffic BottlenecksJuly 5th, 2005
This report looks at trends in summer vacation trips, travel on major roads leading to popular tourist destinations, and the level of traffic delays caused by road and highway bottlenecks on routes leading to these areas. Bottlenecks are sections of roads, highways, and bridges that lack adequate capacity to handle peak traffic loads during periods of high demand. Read the report here. Continue reading
Unclogging America’s Arteries (2004)April 19th, 2004
The American Highway Users Alliance in 1999 released a first-of-its-kind study examining a significant cause of traffic congestion – the country’s worst highway bottlenecks. This updated study attempts to quantify the benefits Americans can realize if major bottlenecks are eliminated, and conversely, the price to be paid if congestion is allowed to increase. Continue reading
Cooperative EnviornmentalismOctober 19th, 2001
What is Cooperative Environmentalism? It’s a new approach to expediting the environmental review process for highway projects without compromising environmental values. As the name suggests, Cooperative Environmentalism provides the framework for all parties to work together to protect the environment while improving highway mobility and safety. Access the study. Continue reading
Saving Time, Saving MoneyOctober 18th, 2000
Traffic congestion is a worsening problem in many U.S. cities. A persistent and significant source of that congestion is freeway bottlenecks—specific chokepoints on major highways that routinely experience traffic backups. A 1999 study by the American
Highway Users Alliance entitled Unclogging America’s Arteries: Prescriptions for Healthier Highways identified the 166 worst bottlenecks in the country and evaluated the benefits of removing them. Check out the report. Continue reading
October 14th, 2000
Across the country, Americans are talking about the pace of growth in their communities and the challenges associated with it. They are discussing how to manage future development, alleviate traffic congestion, prevent overcrowding in schools, preserve open space, and revitalize deteriorated urban and suburban neighborhoods. Building Better Communities: A Toolkit for Quality Growth is designed to help citizens, civic leaders, and elected officials identify effective, common-sense solutions that will work in their communities. Building Better Communities Toolkit. Continue reading